What We Do

We develop resources for individuals and their families that help heal the invisible wounds of trauma by awakening and strengthening resilience to stress.


About PTS(D)

Post-traumatic stress (disorder) is developed after experiencing or witnessing a life threatening event. The consequences of leaving such trauma untreated are serious. Many individuals experience significant negative impact on their physical and mental health, relationships with others and efficacy at work.

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Our Treatment Strategy

PTS(D) treatment programs have better results when they are flexible and individualized. Our Resiliency Formation Training Series educates trauma survivors and provides them with a precision-targeted, personalized training plan.

We know human beings are naturally resilient and trauma survivors are not sick or broken. Resiliency formation training focuses on strengthening individuals’ resilience to environmental challenges and the psychological and physical effects of stress.

Are you a family member looking to help a loved one who is suffering from PTS(D)? If you’re unsure about what to do or afraid to engage out of fear of saying the wrong thing, our resources can help. Support your family member or friend by gaining insight about what it’s like to experience trauma and how to communicate about it effectively.



Start Healing with Resiliency Training

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Firsthand Answers to Difficult Questions


Project Healing Heroes hosts conferences to help veterans, first responders, family members and professionals address the issues that they confront with PTS(D). We believe in giving firsthand answers to the difficult questions. We also provide insights into our training that are considered “outside the box.”

Through their own direct, extremely difficult experiences, our presenters understand and know the price of freedom and what stress can do to the mind, body, psyche and soul. Our conferences are provided free of charge and focus on the 17 modules found in The Combat PTS(D) Resilience and Reintegration Workbook.


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Education & Research

Staying Up to Date


Veteran’s Challenges Questionnaire

At Project Healing Heroes, we know how important it is to have the latest education, information, and resources to help those who struggle with PTS(D). In response to that need, we launched the Veteran’s Challenges Questionnaire, a survey-based research project to determine the most difficult challenges veterans face post-deployment to identify and examine factors that may be important to developing new treatments.

Originally structured as a one-year project, the data points received in year one were so compelling that the study has been extended every year to further explore the trends that are being identified. To date over 500 veterans have taken the survey.

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Veteran’s Challenges Questionnaire

IRB-Approved research through Auburn University.


PTSD University

We are in the process of completing PTSD University. PTSD University is taught by experts in the field of trauma and provides free resource materials and CEU’s for those who need it. Our approach will include practical training, technology, and answers to questions that may require expert answers.


If you or someone you know would like to be part of our education and research efforts, please reach out

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Peer to Peer Program

Connecting to Save Lives


At Project Healing Heroes, we believe in involving the community of folks who have “been there, done that.” People are more often willing to listen to those who have walked in their boots as they can relate to the struggles and challenges our heroes face.

We are in the process of creating a peer to peer network throughout the United States where people can gather together in small groups, have a sponsor/leader, and utilize our resources to help them build resilience. Instead of waiting until people are in crisis and suicidal, we want to help them avoid ever getting to that dark place.

We also know that just because you’ve been to “hell and back” doesn’t mean you have all the answers. To meet this need, we are creating a very robust and intense, Train the Trainer program to help you build those tools to help others in need. You are not alone, and we will not leave you behind!
